Monday, June 4, 2012

Homemade Fabric Softener

One recipe fills these two containers perfectly!
I usually try to stick with recipes that are completely homemade, but this is one exception. I've tried other fabric softener recipes and I just prefer this one. It isn't made from all-natural ingredients or from organic food-stuffs,... but it IS cheap! Much cheaper per ounce than what I'd purchase at the store. So until I get something better, I'm going to stick with cheap!

6 cups HOT water (If using baking soda, use 4 cups water)
2 cups hair conditioner (OR 2 cups baking soda)
3 cups white vinegar

STEP 1: Combine the HOT water with the hair conditioner. Stir gently until conditioner is fully incorporated into the water.

STEP 2: Add in the vinegar. Mix well.

STEP 3: Store in a container with a lid. (An old fabric softener jug works great, obviously! There will be no need to label what's in it or mark the jug with usage instructions.... & the family doesn't seem to question the contents when doing their own laundry!)

This bottle of hair conditioner makes one recipe, with plenty left-over.
*Want to try to make some homemade laundry soap, also? Check out this recipe!

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